Seattlest pays homage to OneBusAway and its creator, UW CSE Ph.D. student Brian Ferris.
“OneBusAway, the magical app of our bus riding dreams, has done wonders for the Seattle Metro experience. OneBusAway gives reliable, up-to-the-minute information about the buses in Seattle: where they are, where they are going, and how long until they get there. It’s a freaking Godsend, and has saved the butts of every single bus riding person who uses it at least a hundred times.
“The good people of KUOW are saying that OneBusAway may go offline soon. Apparently only one man has been saving our bus lives this whole time. Brian Ferris, the God of Metro, is a grad student at the University of Washington. He is graduating soon and has been recruited to work for Google Transit in Zurich …
“Brian Ferris, oh mighty one, please don’t leave us adrift in a sea of never coming transfers and missed buses. Who is this ‘Google’ you are leaving us for and how could they possibly be better than a 15 minute layover at Third & Pike? We love you, we need you.
“Please don’t go.”
Read the rest here. Visit OneBusAway here. Contribute to the “Keep Brian Ferris in Seattle” fund here.
Update: Brian assures us that OneBusAway will live on! Seattlest update post here. Seattle Times article here.