Each year since 2005, Microsoft Research has honored a small number of the world’s most innovative young faculty members as Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows.
The 2011 class of Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows – announced today – includes Shwetak Patel, Assistant Professor of CSE and EE at the University of Washington. Shwetak’s research concerns Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, and User Interface Software and Technology. He is particularly interested in developing easy-to-deploy sensing technologies and approaches for activity recognition and energy monitoring applications.
Shwetak is the third UW CSE faculty member to be honored as a Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow. Luis Ceze was one of five individuals honored in 2009. Magda Balazinska was one of five individuals honored in 2007. The MSR Faculty Fellows are an amazing group!
Congratulations to Shwetak, and thanks to Microsoft for their many-faceted partnership!