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Gabe Cohn, Franzi Roesner, Julia Schwarz win Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowships

Julia Schwarz

Gabe Cohn

Franzi Roesner

Gabe Cohn, Franzi Roesner, and Julia Schwarz are three of the twelve winners (from 198 nominees) of this year’s Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowships.

Gabe is a UW EE Ph.D. student working with Shwetak Patel on embedded systems and VLSI in ubiquitous computing applications.  He was an undergraduate at Caltech.

Franzi is a UW  CSE Ph.D. student working with Yoshi Kohno in the areas of security, privacy, and systems.  She was an undergraduate at UT Austin.

Julia, a UW CSE bachelors alum who is now a Ph.D. student in the CMU HCI Institute, also was selected.

Congratulations to Gabe, Franzi, and Julia – and many thanks to Microsoft!