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UW CSE computer security card game “Control-Alt-Hack” released

Control-Alt-Hack is a computer security-themed card game designed to be entertaining, give a glimpse into white hat hacking, and highlight some of the more surprising aspects of computer security.  It targets kids age 14 and up.  It’s fun, and also educational / awareness-building.  The game designers – Tamara Denning, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Adam Shostack from UW CSE – are computer security experts, and took care to include as much juicy and accurate(ish) content as possible.  Game mechanics were provided by gaming powerhouse Steve Jackson Games (Munchkin and GURPS).

Control-Alt-Hack is newly available on  The University of Washington will also be shipping some free copies out to educators (in industry and academia). If you’re an educator and are interested in a copy, please see the “request an educational copy” page here.

A big thank you to Intel Labs, NSF, and ACM SIGCSE for supporting the development and distribution of this game, and to Steve Jackson Games for licensing the Ninja Burger mechanics!

UW C4C press release here.