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David Notkin wins Computing Research Association A. Nico Habermann Award

dn.for_.fellowshipThe Computing Research Association makes an award, usually annually, to a person who has made outstanding contributions aimed at increasing the numbers and/or successes of underrepresented groups in the computing research community.  The award honors the late A. Nico Habermann, who headed NSF’s Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate and who was deeply committed to increasing the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in computing research.

UW CSE’s David Notkin has just been announced as the 2013 recipient of the CRA A. Nico Habermann Award.  Quoting from the nomination:

“David was Nico’s Ph.D. student (as well as the graduate advisor of Nico and Marta’s son Frits). For nearly thirty years – as an educator, as a research advisor, as a department chair, and as a member of the national and international computing research communities – David has lived his life in Nico’s image. David has worked tirelessly and with tremendous effectiveness – sometimes locally and sometimes nationally, sometimes in high-leverage settings and sometimes in high-touch one-person-at-a-time settings – to advance the success of all people in our field, but particularly the success of students, and even more particularly the success of women and members of other under-represented groups.  With David, it’s all about people – people come first …

“David Notkin, like his Ph.D. advisor Nico Habermann, is a person who works tirelessly to make our field a better place for all; a person who sets an example that each of us should seek to emulate. David has earned this award. Nico would be pleased and proud.”

(David joins UW CSE professor Richard Ladner and UW CSE Ph.D. alum Anne Condon as a recipient of the Habermann Award.)

Congratulations David!

Read the CRA announcement here.

Learn about Notkinfest, a recent event honoring David, here.

April 22 2013:  David Notkin succumbed to cancer at 3:30 a.m.