Captricity, a service that wants to make the paper-to-digital conversion faster and cheaper, was co-founded by UW CSE bachelors alum Kuang Chen. (Kuang recently received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley advised by Joe Hellerstein and UW CSE Ph.D. alum Tapan Parikh.) Writes PandoDaily:
“The service is a result of cofounder Kuang Chen’s trip to Tanzania, where he worked at an HIV treatment center. After being tasked with finding patients that had started on anti-retrovirals, but for one reason or another had stopped taking them, Chen had to work his way through scattered papers and attempt to gather as much data as possible from them. He decided that it was time to bring digitization that would be powerful enough for enterprise customers but cheap enough for third-world organizations, and Captricity was born.”
Read the post here.