UW CSE old-timers gathered on Sunday to celebrate the 85th birthday of Hellmut Golde, one of the founders of our program.
Hellmut, a professor of Electrical Engineering, joined with colleagues from across the campus to establish the Computer Science Group as an inter-college graduate program in 1967. In 1975 an undergraduate program in Computer Science was added and departmental status was conferred. A second undergraduate program, in Computer Engineering, was added in 1989 when the department moved to the College of Engineering, and a Professional Masters Program was added in 1996. Jerre Noe was hired from SRI as CSE’s first chair in 1968. He was succeeded by Hellmut, Bob Ritchie, Paul Young, Jean-Loup Baer, Ed Lazowska, David Notkin, and Hank Levy.
Happy 85th, Hellmut! Thanks for launching UW CSE on a course that we strive to maintain today.