“Ricardo Martin-Brualla has created a time-lapse video that shows a massive glacier in Norway receding over the course of 10 years from a giant block of ice to a smaller frozen patch.
“But Martin-Brualla didn’t set up a camera to take photos for a decade. Instead, the University of Washington computer science Ph.D. student used computer-vision technology to find photos online of the popular landmark, warp them so they all appear to be taken from the same angle and stitch them together so it looked as if time flowed continuously.
“Martin-Brualla presented his project to a packed room Tuesday at the University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering’s Industry Affiliates Meeting, part of a three-day event to showcase the department’s work. Tuesday was all about showing off student research for local companies who support the department. On Monday, more than 40 startups packed the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering on UW’s campus to meet with students. A second recruiting event will take place Wednesday, this time with more than 60 larger companies showing off their swag to recruit new workers.”
Read more – and find a link to a video of Ricardo’s amazing work – here.