An Xconomy post by UW CSE’s Ed Lazowska – see full post here.
“In Washington, higher education is slated for far deeper cuts than in any other high-tech state. In other words, a system that already disadvantages smaller companies and kids who grow up here is going to get far worse.
“This craziness could be addressed by making different budgetary choices (as all other high-tech states seem to be doing), and/or by allowing tuition to rise in order to avoid reducing capacity (UW tuition, even with an increase double what the Governor and the State Senate have proposed to allow, would still be the lowest among Global Challenge State peer institutions – less than $8,000 per year for a top-tier education; federal and institutional financial aid increases would maintain affordability).
“You’ve got to decide what sort of future you want for your kids and your state. And then tell your legislators.”
See the full post here.