Jake Wobbrock – iSchool professor, CSE adjunct professor, and founding CEO and now chief scientist of AnswerDash, a provider of automated customer service for websites – is profiled in today’s New York Times in the “Corner Office” feature. A few excerpts:
“There’s no genuine opportunity to be a hero without the opportunity to be a goat, too. So if you’re on the free throw line at the end of the basketball game with one second left and two shots to win the game, you can be the hero, but it comes with the chance of being the goat. The point is not to fear being the goat because if you shy from that, you’ll never be the hero.”
“Your purpose or calling in life is really at the intersection of your great passion and the world’s great need. It’s not just about following your passion. Spend some time looking at the world, not just yourself.”
Read more here.