Each year since 1999, Technology Review has honored 35 young innovators under the age of 35 — the TR 35. The 2008 TR 35 includes:
- Blaise Aguera y Arcas from Microsoft Live Labs, recognized for creating Photosynth by combining work from his startup Seadragon (acquired by Microsoft) with work by UW CSE professor Steve Seitz, UW CSE graduate student Noah Snavely, and Microsoft Research computer vision researcher Rick Szeliski.
- Tanzeem Choudhury from Dartmouth, an Affilate faculty member in UW CSE, recognized for her work on inferring social networks automatically that she conducted at Intel Research Seattle in collaboration with UW CSE professors Gaetano Borriello and Henry Kautz, UW CSE graduate student Danny Wyatt, and UW EE professor Jeff Bilmes.
- Merrie Morris from Microsoft Research, an Affiliate faculty member in UW CSE, recognized for her work in collaborative information gathering.
Article here.