Faculty members Stuart Reges and Hélène Martin and students Chris Dentel, Maia Szafer, and Melissa Winstanley are featured in this months UW University Honors Program Departmental Honors Spotlight.
Stuart: “Students are pleasantly surprised to find that computer science thinking can provide deep insights into mathematics, philosophy, language, culture, literature, and understanding the human condition.”
Hélène: “We’ve put a lot of work into making our introductory courses both intellectually satisfying and approachable to students of all kinds of different backgrounds. We believe the big ideas they present and the skills they build are great additions to any honor student’s education.”
Chris: “Even more important is to be able to understand how your field can be used in other emerging and expanding disciplines. The honors section for CSE 143 introduced this to me, and I believe that anyone from any background would enjoy and thrive in this class.”
Maia: “By teaching students to ask strategic question and reason through the implications of solutions, [computer science] becomes the vehicle through which they develop as critical thinkers and learn to solve problems in a variety of different contexts.”
Melissa: “The community of peers and teachers that I became a part of beginning in the introductory Honors programming course has been and continues to be instrumental in making my experience at UW fun and exciting.”
Read it here.