The University of Washington President’s Medal is awarded annually to the most accomplished student in UW’s 7500-member senior class.
Congratulations to CSE’s Melissa Winstanley, the 2012 University of Washington President’s Medalist!
Melissa – a graduate of Bellevue High School – is a dual major in Computer Science and Music. She began her CSE career as the top student (out of 475) in CSE 142 and the top student (out of 297) in CSE 143. She has managed to continue this extraordinary academic trajectory while serving as head Teaching Assistant for CSE 143 for the entire 2011-12 academic year, serving as chair of UW’s ACM-W chapter, performing as saxaphone principal in the University of Washington Wind Ensemble, serving as an Honors Peer Mentor, and carrying out a year-long honors research project on mobile tools for public health. Her summers have included two internships with Google, a research internship with UW’s Community Ecology Lab, and a UW Honors Program summer in Rome.
UW CSE is blessed with many extraordinary students, and we’re proud of all of them. UW awards 4 high scholarship medals each year – to the University’s top freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Since 2000, seventeen CSE students have won these medals. In other words, one third of the UW scholarship medal recipients in that period have been CSE students! See previous UW CSE winners of UW’s Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and President’s Medals here.