Twenty-one 7th, 8th, and 9th grade girls from fourteen Seattle-area schools spent the past week at UW CSE’s daycamp for middle schoolers – our first of three daycamps this summer.
During the week, participants heard from members of the UW CSE community, discussed big ideas in computer science, and completed projects in Processing, a Java-based programming environment for artists and designers. The first project was to design a face made of basic geometric shapes and then animate it based on ambient noise. For example, many students made their faces’ mouths grow as the volume increased so that the faces looked like they were singing along to songs or talking back to them as they talked. Other projects included a paint program with creative custom brushes and image manipulation filters – programs put on Android phones.
Parents joined the girls for a demo day on Friday. The place was vibrating!
Congratulations to the girls for all they achieved, and thanks to CSE faculty member Helene Martin, who is masterminding the daycamps, and to Garfield High School alums Quynh Huynh (soon to be a sophomore at UW), Sierra Kaplan-Nelson (soon to be a freshman at Stanford), and Jane Singer (soon to be a sophomore at Emory) who are serving as counselors at the camps.
More information about what the students learned last week can be found here. Information on CSE’s overall middle school and high school summer daycamp program here. Overview of DawgBytes, CSE’s broad K-12 outreach program, here.