“Last fall, when LearnSprout cofounder and one-time Facebooker Frank Chien called up his college buddies Joe Woo, previously with Microsoft, and Anthony Wu, a former Googler, he didn’t necessarily have an education startup in mind.
“The trio could have tackled healthcare or energy instead, he said. What mattered was that they go for something big — dent-the-universe, shake-up-the-system significant.
“‘I [told them], let’s do something crazy,’ he said. ‘We can stay at our jobs forever or we can swing for the fences.’
“Not too much later, the three engineers, who met at the University of Washington, quit their jobs. Over the past ten months, they’ve built a startup taking on a major obstacle facing innovators interested in K-12 education: the siloed way in which student data is stored.”
Congratulations to UW alums Frank Chien (Business), Joe Woo (CSE), and Anthony Wu (CSE)!
Read the GigaOm article here. Learn more about LearnSprout here and here.