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“The 14 Hot Seattle Startups You Need To Watch”

If we’re to believe Business Insider, two of Seattle’s 14 hot startups are UW CSE spinouts:

(A third of the 14, Apptio, is led by Sunny Gupta, formerly a VP at UW CSE startup Performant, which was acquired by Mercury Interactive.) Read more →

UW CSE’s Tom Bergan wins Google Ph.D. Fellowship

UW CSE Ph.D. student Tom Bergan is among 14 students from North America to win 2011-12 Google Ph.D. Fellowships.  Tom works with Luis Ceze, Dan Grossman, and Steve Gribble on improving multiprocessor programmability.

Congratulations Tom!


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UW CSE Ph.D. alum Noah Snavely named Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow

Noah Snavely, a 2008 UW CSE Ph.D. alumnus now on the faculty at Cornell University, joined UW CSE professor Shwetak Patel in the 2011 class of Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows.

Noah, who studied with professor Steve Seitz in UW CSE’s Graphics and Imaging Laboratory, is interested in using massive collections of images on the web to better understand and visualize the world.  A portion of his Ph.D. work was embodied in Microsoft’s amazing  Photosynth offering.

(Another UW CSE GRAIL alum, Aaron Hertzmann – now on the faculty at the University of Toronto – was in the 2006 class of Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows.)

Congratulations Noah! Read more →

UW CSE’s Shwetak Patel named Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow

Each year since 2005, Microsoft Research has honored a small number of the world’s most innovative young faculty members as Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows.

The 2011 class of Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows – announced today – includes Shwetak Patel, Assistant Professor of CSE and EE at the University of Washington.  Shwetak’s research concerns Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, and User Interface Software and Technology.  He is particularly interested in developing easy-to-deploy sensing technologies and approaches for activity recognition and energy monitoring applications.

Shwetak is the third UW CSE faculty member to be honored as a Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow.  Luis Ceze was one of five individuals honored in 2009Magda Balazinska was one of five individuals honored in 2007The MSR Faculty Fellows are an amazing group!

Congratulations to Shwetak, and thanks to Microsoft for their many-faceted partnership! Read more →

CSE’s Dan Grossman in Seattle Weekly on “cyberstalking prevention”

“‘The first rule of thumb is that privacy is hard to get right,’ says Dan Grossman … ‘Don’t do anything online you don’t want people to see.’ That said, here are his tips for keeping your passwords to yourself when using somebody else’s computer.

  1. When the computer’s browser asks if you want it to remember your password, say no.
  2. Turn on the Web browser’s ‘privacy’ mode.
  3. Log off.

Read the article here.

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UW CSE leads NSF Engineering Research Center on Sensorimotor Neural Engineering

Tom Daniel

Yoky Matsuoka

The National Science Foundation today announced an $18.5 million grant to establish a new Engineering Research Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE) based at the University of Washington.

The Director of CSNE is UW CSE professor Yoky Matsuoka.  Deputy Director is UW Biology professor Tom Daniel.  Partner institutions are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and San Diego State University.  (Joel Voldman from MIT and Kee Moon from SDSU are co-PIs.)  Also partnering are historically minority-serving institutions Spelman College and Morehouse College, both in Atlanta, and Southwestern College in Chula Vista, Calif. International partners are the University of British Columbia and the University of Tokyo.

Matsuoka comments, “The center will work on devices that interact with, assist, and understand the human sensory and nervous systems.  It will combine advances in robotics, neuroscience and computer science to restore or augment the body’s ability for sensation and movement.”

Daniel comments, “I think the really interesting development is literally where the silicon meets the collagen.  It remains an open challenge.”

Learn about CSNE on its web page, here.  Read the UW press release here.  Read the NSF press release here. Read more →

“Hidden Gems are Inside UW Computer Science & Engineering – Can They Be Mined?”

An Xconomy post by UW CSE alum Jeremy Jaech, who has spent the past few months in CSE as an entrepreneurship coach.

“Together we can create a culture that values and informs the commercialization of ideas, always remembering that faculty members and outsiders are not often the miners of these gems.  Students are.”

Read the post here. Read more →

“Wireless power could cut cord for patients with implanted heart pumps”

UW Today reports on the research of UW CSE’s Josh Smith and his collaborators, on inductive methods for powering implantable medical electronics.  Today, the power cord that protrudes through the patient’s belly is cumbersome and prone to infection over time.  Infections occur in close to 40 percent of patients, are the leading cause of rehospitalization, and can be fatal.

Read more here. Read more →

Pastry Powered T(o)uring Machine does STP in one day

Ph.D. alums Anthony “legs” LaMarca and Lauren Bricker, and CSE research staff member Stephen Spencer, are all decked out in their UW CSE Pastry Powered T(o)uring Machine jerseys midway through the 10,000-rider Seattle-To-Portland bicycle ride on Saturday.  Shirtless faculty member Steve Gribble took the photo.

Overheard at one of the rest stops:  “That’s the nerdiest jersey I’ve ever seen.”

Go team! Read more →

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