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“There’s so much beauty in these tiny things”: Allen School’s Shyam Gollakota named 2021 Moore Inventor Fellow for advancing big ideas on a miniature scale

Bee wearing sensor on flower
Credit: Tara Gimmer
Allen School professor Shyam Gollakota has received a 2021 Moore Inventor Fellowship in recognition of his work at the nexus of low-power wireless communication, biology and living organisms. Gollakota, who directs the Allen School’s Networks & Mobile Systems Lab, is the first University of Washington faculty member to receive this prestigious award that nurtures the next generation of scientist-inventors. The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation established the fellowship program aimed at supporting “50 inventors to shape… Read more →
October 4, 2021

Not just phoning it in: Shwetak Patel honored by Georgia Tech and Business Insider for contributions to low-power sensing and mobile health innovation

Shwetak Patel extends forearm with color calibration card for mobile app demo University of Washington professor Shwetak Patel has earned a place in the Georgia Tech College of Computing’s Hall of Fame and a spot on Business Insider’s recent list of “30 leaders under 40” who are changing health care for his innovative work combining low-power sensing, signal processing and machine learning for applications ranging from non-invasive disease screening to monitoring appliance-level energy consumption. Patel, who holds the Washington Research Foundation Entrepreneurship Endowed Professorship in the Allen School and the UW Department… Read more →
September 28, 2021

“They were very unsure what to do with us”: How Golden Goose Award-winning researchers at UW and UCSD put the brakes on automobile cybersecurity threats and transformed an industry

Stephen Checkoway and Karl Koscher, wearing masks, with laptop open on roof of Chevy Impala in parking garage
UW and UCSD Golden Goose Award recipients (clockwise from top left): Stephen Checkoway, Karl Koscher, Stefan Savage and Tadayoshi Kohno
In 2010 and 2011, a team of researchers led by Allen School professor Tadayoshi Kohno and Allen School alumnus and University of California San Diego professor Stefan Savage (Ph.D., ‘02) published a pair of papers detailing how they were able to hack into a couple of Chevrolet Impalas and take command of a range of functions, from operating the windshield… Read more →
September 27, 2021

A snapshot of the future: Computing goes molecular with DNA-based similarity search from University of Washington and Microsoft researchers

Collage of cat photos arranged in a grid
Forget social media memes — searching for cat photos is serious business for members of the Molecular Information Systems Lab.
Picture this: You are a researcher in the Molecular Information Systems Lab housed at the Paul G. Allen School. You and your labmates have developed a system for storing and retrieving digital images in synthetic DNA to demonstrate how this extremely dense and durable medium might be used to preserve the world’s growing trove of data. And you have a… Read more →
August 31, 2021

Allen School’s Dhruv Jain wins Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant for his work leveraging HCI and AI to advance sound accessibility

Dhruv Jain in front of wood and glass cabinet Allen School Ph.D. student Dhruv (DJ) Jain has received a Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant for his work on “Sound Sensing and Feedback Techniques for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users.” This highly selective grant aims to increase diversity in computing by supporting doctoral students who are underrepresented in the field to “cross the finish line” during the final stages of their dissertation research.  Jain, who is co-advised by Allen School professor Jon Froehlich and Human Centered Design &… Read more →
August 18, 2021

CAREER Award-winning faculty at the Allen School advance leadership and innovation in software testing, machine learning equity, and natural language understanding

Allen Center facade with school banner and fall foliage How can we endow artificial intelligence with the ability to comprehend and draw knowledge from the immense and varied trove of online documents? Is there a way to make testing and debugging of software that pervades our increasingly technology-dependent world more efficient and robust? Speaking of pervasiveness, as technologies like machine learning are more embedded into our society, how can we be sure that these systems reflect and serve different populations equitably?  Those are the questions that Allen School professors… Read more →
August 13, 2021

University of Washington and Microsoft researchers develop “nanopore-tal” enabling cells to talk to computers

Person wearing mask piping material onto a nanopore reader connected to laptop
MISL researcher Nicolas Cardozo pipes cell cultures containing NanoporeTERs onto a portable MinION nanopore sensing device for processing as professor Jeff Nivala looks on. Dennis Wise/University of Washington
Genetically encoded reporter proteins have been a mainstay of biotechnology research, allowing scientists to track gene expression, understand intracellular processes and debug engineered genetic circuits. But conventional reporting schemes that rely on fluorescence and other optical approaches come with practical limitations that could cast a shadow over the field’s future progress. Now, thanks… Read more →
August 12, 2021

Kyle Johnson wins 2021 Generation Google Scholarship

Kyle Johnson Kyle Johnson, a Ph.D. student working with professor Shyam Gollakota in the Allen School’s Network and Mobile Systems Lab, received a Generation Google Scholarship for his academic performance, leadership and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. The company created the scholarship to help students pursuing computer science degrees excel in technology and become leaders in the field.  As a researcher, Johnson aims to create battery-less micro robots designed to operate autonomously for prolonged periods of time, implementable as… Read more →
July 30, 2021

Living on the edge: Allen School’s Sewoong Oh aims to advance distributed artificial intelligence for wireless networks as part of new $20 million NSF AI Institute

Sewoong Oh with hands on railing In its latest round of funding intended to strengthen the United States of America’s leadership in artificial intelligence research, the National Science Foundation today designated a new NSF AI Institute for Future Edge Networks and Distributed Intelligence (AI-EDGE) that brings together 30 researchers from 18 universities, industry partners and government labs. Allen School professor Sewoong Oh is among the institute researchers who will spearhead the development of new AI tools and techniques to advance the design of next-generation wireless edge… Read more →
July 29, 2021

Rajalakshmi Nandakumar wins SIGMOBILE Doctoral Dissertation Award for advancing wireless sensing technologies that address societal challenges

Rajalakshmi Nandakumar Allen School alumna Rajalakshmi Nandakumar (Ph.D., ‘20), now a faculty member at Cornell University, received the SIGMOBILE Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems Users, Data, and Computing “for creating an easily-deployed technique for low-cost millimeter-accuracy sensing on commodity hardware, and its bold and high-impact applications to important societal problems.” Nandakumar completed her dissertation, “Computational Wireless Sensing at Scale,” working with Allen School professor Shyam Gollakota in the University… Read more →
July 23, 2021

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