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Allen School student Samia Ibtasam earns AAUW International Fellowship for her work in technological inclusion for women in Pakistan

Samia Ibtasam, a Ph.D. student working with Allen School professor Richard Anderson in the Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICTD) Lab, has been named a 2021 American Association of University Women International Fellow for her work in creating training support tools for women to increase technological inclusion. Her research focuses on gender inequality in technological and financial services and building tools for women to use to narrow the gap.  AAUW International Fellows are women studying or researching… Read more →
February 19, 2021

Allen School faculty honored by the Association for Computing Machinery for advancing probabilistic robotics, internet-scale systems, and more

Allen School professors Dieter Fox and Arvind Krishnamurthy recently attained the status of Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery in honor of their influential contributions to robotics and computer vision and to systems and networking, respectively. Each year, the ACM bestows the designation of Fellow on a select group of members to recognize their impact through research and service based on nominations submitted by their peers in the computing community. According to ACM President Gabriele Kotsis, in 2020 the… Read more →
February 17, 2021

Allen School student Isabella Nguyen uses her FLAS Fellowship to learn more about her family’s homeland

Our latest undergraduate student spotlight features Bellevue, Washington native Isabella Nguyen, a second year computer science major who is also pursuing a minor in Vietnamese language and culture. Nguyen was recently awarded a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship through the University of Washington’s Southeast Asia Center, part of the Jackson School of International Studies. FLAS Fellowships support students in strengthening their foreign language proficiency and building their knowledge of international studies to increase global engagement. Already… Read more →
February 11, 2021

As Civic Digital Fellows, Allen School students “code it forward” by combining work experience with public service

Mayanja and her cohort of Fellows in 2018
In the summer of 2018, Allen School senior Mariam Mayanja wanted to try something new. Instead of pursuing a computer science internship at a big tech company as she had in the past, she headed to Washington D.C. to become a Civic Digital Fellow. The Bothell, Washington native, who will continue her studies as part of the Allen School’s B.S./M.S. program, worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs, with the United Read more →
February 10, 2021

Undergraduates in the Allen School’s UW Reality Lab have a whale of a time building virtual field experience for geology students

John Akers, director of research and education (left to right) Needle, Mooc and Wang meet in the UW Reality Lab incubator (Photo taken January 2020 by David Kessler).
In the coal region of Shamokin, Pennsylvania, an impressive geological structure called the Whaleback Anticline has become a natural classroom for geology students. The former strip mine is a geological formation that looks like the back of a whale. Max Needle, a Pennsylvania native and geology graduate student in the University… Read more →
February 8, 2021

Allen School student Lianhui Qin earns Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship to develop AI agents with human-like common-sense reasoning capabilities

Lianhui Qin, a Ph.D. student working with Allen School professor Yejin Choi, has been named a 2021 Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellow for her work in developing language models in counterfactual and abductive reasoning. Her research focuses on natural language processing and machine learning, specifically in common-sense rationale in natural language generation.  Qin is one of 10 Fellows selected this year and aims to use her Fellowship to create artificial intelligence (AI) agents with human-like common-sense reasoning capabilities to… Read more →
February 3, 2021

Allen School faculty and alumni honored by IEEE for enduring contributions to software engineering, internet-scale computing and artificial intelligence

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) recently honored three members of the Allen School community for advancing the field of computing: professor and alumnus Michael Ernst (Ph.D., ‘00), affiliate professor Thomas Zimmermann of Microsoft Research, and alumnus Jeffrey Dean (Ph.D., ‘96) of Google. Ernst and Zimmerman were elevated to IEEE Fellows in recognition of their career contributions in software engineering, while Dean earned the organization’s prestigious John von Neumann Medal for advancing internet-scale computing and artificial intelligence.  Each… Read more →
January 25, 2021

Allen School student Tal August earns Twitch Fellowship to make conversation in online communities more supportive and vibrant

Tal August, a Ph.D. student working with Allen School professors Katharina Reinecke and Noah Smith, has been named a 2021 Twitch Research Fellow for his work in creating writing tools to accommodate different online audiences. His current research focuses on strategies used to help moderate these communities in order to shape them into vibrant, supportive, online spaces. August is one of five Twitch Fellows selected and aims to use his Fellowship to automate tools that support conversations in… Read more →
January 21, 2021

Computing Research Association recognizes undergraduates advancing data science for mental health, commonsense reasoning, mobile health sensing, and more

Joy He-Yueya applies data science techniques to measures of patient behavior to assess how they might predict the onset of schizophrenia symptoms. Meanwhile, Ximing Lu uses machine learning to improve cancer diagnosis and explores how neural language models can advance commonsense reasoning. Parker Ruth builds mobile sensing systems to detect and monitor a variety of health conditions, while Jenny Liang develops programming techniques to support developer education and collaboration. And Emily Bascom contributes to research aimed at promoting user privacy… Read more →
January 15, 2021

Allen School alumnus Aditya Vashistha recognized for his work in computing for social good

Allen School alumnus Aditya Vashistha (Ph.D., ‘19) received the 2020-2021 WAGS/ProQuest Innovation in Technology Award from the Western Association of Graduate Schools for his doctoral dissertation on “Social Computing for Social Good in Low-Resource Environments.” The award recognizes a graduate thesis or dissertation that presents an innovative technology with a creative solution to a significant problem. Vashistha, now a computing and information science professor at Cornell University, completed his Ph.D. working with professor Richard Anderson in the Information Read more →
January 5, 2021

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