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UW CSE’s game-changing hires in machine learning, “big data,” computer vision, and computer systems

A new booklet describes UW CSE’s  bumper crop of faculty hires: Carlos Guestrin, Amazon Professor of Machine Learning in Computer Science & Engineering (machine learning) Ben Taskar, Boeing Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (machine learning) Jeffrey Heer, Associate Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (data visualization) Emily Fox, Amazon Professor of Machine Learning in the Department of Statistics (machine learning) Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (computer vision) Ali Farhadi, Assistant Professor of Computer Science &… Read more →
September 6, 2012

Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman joins UW CSE

We are thrilled to announce that Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman will be joining the UW CSE faculty this fall. Ira works in computer vision and computer graphics, with a particular interest in developing computational tools to enable capturing, modeling and rendering a person’s appearance and behavior from the billions of photos that can be now found online or in personal photo collections.  As a consultant to Google, she transitioned her recent work “Exploring Photobios” into “Face Movie,” the… Read more →
June 29, 2012

“Exploring Photobios” on KING5 News

“Exploring Photobios” – a SIGGRAPH 2011 paper by UW CSE postdoc Ira Kemelmacher along with Eli Shechtman (Adobe Systems), Rahul Garg (UW CSE and Google), and Steve Seitz (UW CSE and Google) – is featured in this story on KING5 news. The research, which automatically integrates sequences of images of the same person over time, is the basis of the Face Movie feature in Google’s Picasa. Watch the KING5 video here.  Read about the research here.  See a… Read more →
August 3, 2011

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