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New additions to the UW CSE faculty

A brochure introducing the three new members of the UW CSE faculty is now available – you can download it here.


Su-In Lee, whose research focuses on devising machine learning techniques for understanding the genetic basis for complex traits, will have appointments in CSE and the Department of Genome Sciences.  She received her Ph.D. from Stanford and spent the following year as a visitor at Carnegie Mellon.


Anup Rao joins our theory group.  He received his Ph.D. from UT-Austin, and is now completing 2.5 years as a postdoc, divided between the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University.


Luke Zettlemoyer received his Ph.D. from MIT, followed by a one-year postdoc at the University of Edinburgh. He works on a variety of topics in artificial intelligence, including problems in natural language processing, machine learning, and decision making under uncertainty.