While it will be long time before “one laptop per child” is true everywhere in the world, UW CSE undergraduates have developed a system that lets up to four students share a single computer to do interactive math problems.
UW undergraduate students Clint Tseng, Heather Underwood, and Sunil Garg, who participated in Joyojeet Pal‘s computer science project course, decided to try building a system for a numeric keypad similar to Microsoft MultiPoint platform, which connects multiple mice to one computer. Their system, developed over the past year, connects four numeric keypads, each of which costs about $4, to a standard computer running Windows software. The screen is split into four columns. Each student looks at one column, where he or she is given math problems based on performance on previous answers. Early qualitative tests of the system in India, which were presented earlier this year in Qatar at the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, showed positive results.
Read the full U Week article here. Read more about MultiLearn here.