Dean Tullsen

Hank Levy

Susan Eggers
Each year the International Symposium on Computer Architecture – the leading conference in the field – bestows the ISCA Influential Paper Award on “the paper from the ISCA Proceedings 15 years earlier that has had the most impact on the field (in terms of research, development, products or ideas) during the intervening years.”
The 2010 award, for a paper presented at ISCA in 1995, has been bestowed on the paper “Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On-Chip Parallelism” by Susan Eggers, Hank Levy, and their Ph.D. student Dean Tullsen (a professor at UCSD since receiving his UW Ph.D. in 1996). The award will be presented at ISCA 2010 in Saint-Malo, France, in June.
Simultaneous Multithreading allows independent threads to issue instructions to multiple functional units in a single cycle, combining facilities available in both superscalar and multithreaded architectures. It was commercialized by Intel as HyperThreading.
Congratulations to Susan, Hank, and Dean!
(The inaugural ISCA Influential Paper Award was presented in 2003 (for ISCA 1988) to UW CSE’s Jean-Loup Baer and his Ph.D. student Wen-Hann Wang (currently Vice President of Intel Labs and director of Circuits and System Research for Intel Corporation) for their paper “On the Inclusion Properties for Multi-Level Cache Hierarchies.”)