Each year for more than a decade, UW CSE has offered a “Capstone Design Course” on videogame programming. Teams of students conceive, design, implement, and distribute videogames.
This year, part of the assessment involves how well the games do “in the wild” on the game distribution sites. There’s still a week to go before the end of the quarter, but the first two games now have full-featured review articles about them on game distribution sites, and one has a distribution contract offer after being out for only 2 days.
Play all 6 games here.
A review of the game Chromatic is here. It reads, in part, “You know what? There are just times when you need to go mellow. You know what I mean. Soft colors, round edges, smooth beats. That’s what I’m talking about, something to just lean back and let all the tension just wash away from you. And this is exactly what Arkeus’ platformer Chromatic would be if, you know, it wasn’t also completely finger burning, brain breaking, throw your laptop against the wall insane. Aside from that part of it, it’s totally relaxing.”
The game Hello Worlds! is on the front page of game site Kongregate here.