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Photos from the UW CSE Industrial Affiliates Meeting

Alumni and Affiliates

Keynote by UW VP Linden Rhoads

Posters and Demonstrations

Career Fair


Matt McIlwain presents the Madrona Prize

The annual UW Computer Science & Engineering Industrial Affiliates Meeting took place on October 27th and 28th.

On the 27th, more than 100 representatives from Affiliates companies participated in a day of research presentations, as well as a keynote presentation by Linden Rhoads, UW Vice Provost and head of the Center for Commercialization.

That evening, more than 250 Seattle-area alumni joined for an evening of posters, demonstrations, and fellowship.

On the 28th, 42 companies recruited UW CSE undergraduate and graduate students.

Additional photographs of the 27th here; of the 28th here.  (Thanks to UW CSE faculty member Bruce Hemingway for the photography!)