On Thursday, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) unanimously approved a report reviewing the 14-agency, $4.3 billion Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program, representing the Nation’s entire unclassified R&D portfolio in computer science and related fields.
The 14-person Working Group assisting with the review was co-chaired by Ed Lazowska and David Shaw, who discussed the report on Thursday.
In summarizing the Findings, Lazowska noted:
“America’s NIT R&D efforts have been hugely successful. This is amply evident, and authoritatively documented, with impacts ranging from accelerating the pace of discovery in nearly all other fields, to driving our economic competitiveness …
“This impact arises from a deep tradition of research, in which the Federal government plays an essential role …
“Recent technological and societal trends place the further advancement and application of NIT squarely at the center of our Nation’s ability to achieve many of our most important priorities, in areas such as improved health care, improved energy efficiency, improved transportation systems, national security, education, and open government.”
A video of the presentation is available here. A rough transcript of Lazowska’s remarks is available here. Posts regarding the PCAST session may be found here and here.