“Another month gone by in Seattle, another Silicon Valley company has moved in to establish a beachhead for recruiting tech workers. … But all of those companies often wind up chasing the same pool of experienced workers – a pool that Washington state isn’t adding to fast enough by cranking out computer science graduates of its own.
“It’s a situation that can’t be sustained if the region is to maintain its prominence in the tech world. …
“Ed Lazowska, the University of Washington’s Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering, says the last sustainable increase in state spending for higher education enrollments was around 1999. …
“‘It kind of sucks that the children of Washington parents can’t get into the University of Washington and pursue a STEM degree because there’s not enough slots,’ says entrepreneur Jeremy Jaech, chairman of the Technology Alliance. ‘But it’s not likely to change any time soon.'”
Read the article here.