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Intel blogs Corensic’s Jinx

Corensic, a software quality tool company founded by UW CSE faculty Mark Oskin and Luis Ceze, this week announced the availability of Jinx 1.2 R2, a software quality tool for Linux and Windows.  Jinx exposes hard-to-find concurrency bugs in software, a task that ordinarily requires numerous manual steps and a great deal of luck.

Intel is blogging about Corensic and Jinx!  As James Reinders states in his Intel blog, “I was a little ‘slow’ in figuring out what all the fuss was about when I first met them more than a year ago. They like to play up their product as ‘testing’ your code by making it ‘unlucky.’ Makes for cool marketing and a funny product name.

“A light bulb went off in my head when I realized they were doing what hardware folks call ‘shake rattle and roll tests’ where you literally take hardware (computer, car, refrigeration, you name it!) and shake it to see if anything comes loose or malfunctions. Brutal!”

Read the PRWeb article here; the Intel blog post here.  Learn more about Corensic here.