Jeff Huang, a Ph.D. student at the University of Washington’s Information School, has tallied the total number of “Best Paper Awards” won by various research organizations in recent years at a number of leading conferences: AAAI (Artificial Intelligence), ACL (Natural Language Processing), CHI (Human-Computer Interaction), CIKM (Knowledge Management), FOCS (Theory), ICML (Machine Learning), IJCAI (Artificial Intelligence), KDD (Data Mining), OSDI (Operating Systems), SIGIR (Information Retrieval), SIGMOD (Databases), SOSP (Operating Systems), STOC (Theory), UIST (User Interface), VLDB (Databases), and WWW (World Wide Web).
We know: Beauty contests such as this are a complete crock. However, since we came out smelling like a rose this time, we wholeheartedly endorse this particular ranking as definitive, and we enthusiastically draw your attention to it.
Check it out here.