Janet Ash, an engineering instructor at Green River Community College, has been honored multiple times by UW CSE as an “inspirational teacher” – nominated by her former students who are now UW CSE majors.
“As a kid, Janet Ash listened to Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, played Chopin nocturnes on the piano, read anything she could get her hands on.
“The very crucible into which nerds are poured, you say? Yep. And Ash is proud of her lineage. Nerds, she insists, flock to her.
“‘I think I’m a bit of a nerd magnet,’ Ash says.”
Read more of this wonderful profile in the Auburn Reporter here. Learn more about the UW CSE “inspirational teacher” recognition program here.
Warm thanks, and warm congratulations, to Janet and to all of Washington’s inspirational teachers!