In today’s Gates Notes, Bill highlights four projects presented at Social Venture Partners’ recent “Social Innovation Fast Pitch,” including Living Voters Guide, a joint project of UW CSE and Seattle’s City Club:
“As government in the U.S. becomes more polarized, debate among politicians has migrated to simplistic views about what government should do or not, with no middle ground for compromise. In contrast, SIFP finalist City Club finds that voters are open to nuanced debate: 41% listen to both sides, 34% listen to people they disagree with, and 46% are open to changing sides based on what they hear. Their new Living Voters Guide is a website that surfaces the pros and cons of each side, and provides business intelligence and analytics about the nuance of voter’s viewpoints to politicians, with the hope of driving a richer political debate open to middle-ground solutions.”
Read the Gates Notes post here. Check out Living Voters Guide here.