We don’t know what it means either. Except for the title – “Innovation Stuntmen” – the entire book is in German.
But it prominently features UW CSE Ph.D. alums Seth Cooper (for his work on the breakthrough protein folding and protein structure calculation game Foldit) and Yaw Anokwa (for his work on the widely-used mobile data collection platform Open Data Kit).
Yaw provides the following translation of the promotional blurb:
“Batman, Superman and Spiderman can retire. Because the real superheroes are: Innovation Stuntmen. Innovation stuntmen are people like us … driven by a fixed idea, which gives them a special power … the power to change the world.”
(Yaw doesn’t speak German either – we figure he just made that up.)
Learn more here. Or – go ahead, make our day – order the book from Amazon Germany here.