University of Wisconsin computer architecture faculty members Mark Hill and Guri Sohi maintain an informal “Hall of Fame” for the International Symposium on Computer Architecture – researchers who have co-authored 8 or more ISCA papers. (UW CSE is tied with Stanford, the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin with 5 faculty members on the list.)
Not to be outdone, University of Wisconsin computer systems faculty member Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau has compiled an analogous informal “Hall of Fame” for the two top computer systems conferences: the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles and the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation. This one includes researchers who have co-authored 6 or more papers in SOSP and/or OSDI.
UW ranks third behind MIT and Stanford, with 4 faculty members on the list. UW CSE chair Hank Levy is the #2 author, with 16 papers. Former UW CSE faculty member Brian Bershad (now running Google Siberia) is the #3 author, with 14 papers. MIT superstar Frans Kaashoek heads the list.
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