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Freshman demand for computer science – OFF THE CHARTS

UW College of Engineering Freshman ApplicantsIt’s a national trend – demand for Computer Science is skyrocketing as students recognize that the field is chock full of intellectual challenges, has “change the world” potential like no other, and is central to pretty much any 21st century career.  Plus, there’s only so much creativity you can exercise with asphalt.

The graphic displayed here shows the desired major of freshman applicants to the various Engineering majors at the University of Washington for Fall 2013.  (We recognize that other premier Computer Science programs have even greater numbers of applicants, but still …)

Other graphics:  Intended major of freshman matriculants to the University of Washington College of Engineering for Fall 2013.  (Note that UW CSE’s capacity is only 200 new students per year – tragic.)  Annual enrollment in UW CSE’s two-quarter introductory sequence.

Our terribly constrained situation is not of our own design.  To UW and the citizens of the state, we say “Show me the money!”  Will UW CSE continue to be an engine of opportunity for Washington’s students?