CSE’s Ed Lazowska addressed the National Science Board (the oversight board for the National Science Foundation) on “The Future of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure.” Other participants in the 3-hour briefing were Peter Lee (Microsoft Research), David Baker (UW Biochemistry), and Thom Dunning (NCSA, but soon to be the Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing, the joint initiative of UW and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory).
The topics that Ed addressed:
- Why must America remain the world leader in computer science?
- How did we gain the lead, and how can we retain it?
- How should our competitiveness be defined?
- The coming decade: Dramatic improvements in technology and algorithms enable “smart everything”
- Cyberinfrastructure to support 21st century “smart discovery”
- Implications for academia
- Implications for research policy
- Implications for K-12 education