The Seattle Times reports on the changing culture in the UW College of Engineering:
“When Eve Riskin first began teaching electrical engineering at the University of Washington in 1990, her students were so surprised to find a young woman professor teaching in a male-dominated field that many asked her if she had a Ph.D.
“Of course, Riskin did — in electrical engineering, from Stanford.
“Twenty-three years later, female professors are slowly becoming more common in male-dominated engineering and science fields ..
“Four of the five associate deans in the UW College of Engineering are women, including Riskin, who is associate dean of academic affairs, as well as a professor of electrical engineering.
In 2001, fewer than 10 percent of the UW engineering faculty members were women. In 2012, it was just over 20 percent, or 47 tenure- and tenure-track women faculty out of a total of 231. The national average was 14 percent.”
Read more here.