UW CSE startup SNUPI has announced Wally. Our friends at GeekWire write:
“Worried about toxic mold or pesky water leaks in your home?
“Never fear, Wally is here.
“That’s the new consumer brand from SNUPI Technologies, the latest startup effort from Seattle serial entrepreneur [and UW CSE alumnus] Jeremy Jaech …
“WallyHome – which works in conjunction with an always-on Internet connection – is designed to detect environmental hazards around the home by monitoring moisture, temperature and humidity changes. The wild thing is that the company says no batteries are needed, with the system set to work continuously for 10 years. It does this by bypassing traditional Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections, instead using the copper wiring in the walls of a home as an antenna. (More on the technology behind the system here.)
“Jaech has partnered with some of the top minds at the University of Washington on SNUPI, including [CSE and EE] professors Shwetak Patel and Matt Reynolds, as well as doctoral student Gabe Cohn.”