The subject of today’s U.S. Federal Trade Commission Internet of Things workshop was security and privacy. The workshop included four panels – on the smart home, connected health and fitness, connected cars, and privacy and security. These are topics that UW CSE’s Security & Privacy Research Lab has been working on for years now.
In his opening remarks, Keith Marzullo from the National Science Foundation included a slide on exemplar security and privacy projects for cyber-physical systems. The slide listed five example projects, three of which come from UW. Marzullo discussed UW’s work on analyzing the security and privacy properties of wireless implantable medical devices, and in particular he cited our Oakland 2008 paper (in collaboration with UMass and BIDMC). He then went on to cite our experimental security analysis of the modern automobile (in collaboration with UCSD), which appeared at Oakland 2010 and USENIX Security 2011. And, finally, he discussed the lab’s collaborative work with Howard Jay Chizeck (UW EE) on secure telerobotics.