KUOW on UW CSE’s summer daycamps for middle school and high school students:
“It’s summertime in Seattle, and deep inside a basement classroom of the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, Justin Bieber is being deconstructed.
“It’s not what you might think, though. Teacher Hélène Martin is taking apart Bieber’s digital picture, bit by bit, using a computer programming language called Processing.
“The week-long class, part of a program started by the university’s computer science department, teaches teen girls to code. Many of the young women attending this coding camp were encouraged by their parents, teachers or mentors, but most studies show that girls are rarely pushed to pursue programming and tech studies, which means they’re less likely to pursue careers in those fields.”
More here. Learn more about DawgBytes, UW CSE’s K-12 outreach program (including these summer camps), here.
Visit our Computing Open House for middle and high school students and their families, Saturday December 7 1:00-5:00. Learn more here.