UW CSE undergraduate Martina Unutzer has received an Honorable Mention in the 2014 Computing Research Association Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award competition, which recognizes undergraduate students in North American colleges and universities who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing research.
Martina’s research, with UW CSE professor Magda Balazinska and UW Astronomy research scientist Ben Williams, has completely transformed the way our astronomy colleagues handle artifacts (due to cosmic rays) in their databases of stars. Magda writes: “I would meet with her not to advise her on what to do but to get up to speed on what she had already done! This is a degree of autonomy that one dreams about in graduate students!”
Engagement in research is a hallmark of UW CSE’s undergraduate program: as of last year, CRA had recognized more students from UW CSE in the past decade than from any other university.
Congratulations to Martina, and to all of our outstanding undergraduates!