UW CSE robotics faculty (Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox, Raj Rao, Josh Smith (joint with EE), and Emo Todorov (joint with Applied Mathematics)) and their students have 14(!) papers accepted at this year’s IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), the major conference in robotics. The research cover a large variety of areas in robotics, including biologically inspired microrobots, optimal control, computer vision, human robot interaction, machine learning, hardware design, and manipulation. The papers:
- A Wirelessly Powered, Biologically Inspired Ambulatory Microrobot. M. Karpelson, B. Waters, B. Goldberg, B. Mahoney, O. Ozcan, A. Baisch, P.-M. Meyitang, J.R. Smith, R. Wood.
- Accelerating Imitation Learning through Crowdsourcing. M. Chung, M. Forbes, Maya Cakmak, R.P.N. Rao.
- Analytically-Invertible Dynamics with Contacts and Constraints: Theory and Implementation in MuJoCo. E. Todorov.
- Control-Limited Differential Dynamic Programming. Y. Tassa, N. Mansard, E. Todorov.
- Real-Rime Behavior Synthesis for Dynamic Hand Manipulation. V. Kumar, Y. Tassa, T. Erez, E. Todorov.
- Design, Optimization, Calibration and a Case Study of a 3D-Printed, Low-Cost Fingertip Sensor for Robotic Manipulation. Z. Xu, S. Kolev, E. Todorov.
- Learning Predictive Models of a Depth Camera and Manipulator from Raw Execution Traces. B. Boots, A. Byravan, D. Fox.
- Space-Time Functional Gradient Optimization for Motion Planning. A. Byravan, B. Boots, S. Srinivasa, D. Fox.
- Multi-Task Policy Search for Robotics. M. Deisenroth, P. Englert, J. Peters, D. Fox.
- Toward Online 3D Object Segmentation and Mapping. E. Herbst, P. Henry, D. Fox.
- Unsupervised Feature Learning for 3D Scene Labeling. K. Lai, L. Bo, D. Fox.
- ST-HMP: Unsupervised Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning for Tactile Data. M. Madry, L. Bo, D. Kragic, D. Fox.
- Hierarchical Sparse Coded Surface Models. M. Ruhnke, L. Bo, D. Fox, W. Burgard.
- Learning to Identify New Objects. Y. Sun, L. Bo, D. Fox.
Go team!