Jerry Large writes in the Seattle Times:
“Jessan Hutchison-Quillian, a young Google engineer in Seattle, uses his time and money to fight poverty and income inequality …
“Hutchison-Quillan, 27, wants this to be a more just and generous society. Achieving that can require some revolutionary action, and it’s true that his upbringing helped shape his values.
“What drew my attention to him is this: He graduated from the University of Washington at 19 (computer science, because it was fun); in June 2007 he took a job offered by Google and decided his pay, more than $100,000, was way more than he needed to live comfortably, so he started giving a growing portion (40 percent now) to causes he believes in, and now he’s helping other people embrace philanthropy.”
In addition to his personal dedication to social justice causes (such as Social Justice Fund NW), Jessan is one of three UW CSE alums (the others are Krista Davis and Jeff Prouty) who created Google’s G-Give program and supporting software on their 20% time, and who are now full-time engineers on Google’s corporate social responsibility team.
Read this inspiring Seattle Times profile here (see also pdf and jpg).