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The triumphal return of Luis Ceze

IMG_2960Regular readers of this space will recall that three weeks ago Luis Ceze’s knee was destroyed at a social event organized by Hank Levy.

We are pleased to report that Luis has surfaced once again (he has been seen by us only in X-rays up to this point), sporting a lasting memento of Hank’s hospitality.

Says Luis, who looks in the bright side of everything: “Now that I have a handicapped sticker, I can go to Capitol Hill for dinner and find parking!”

Addendum, echoing a Facebook exchange:

Jim Larus: Hank is still on the loose – are you nervous?

Ed Lazowska: Hank and Ronit fled to France a week ago. We assume he’s seeking asylum and we’ll never see him again. So we feel reasonably secure here for the time being.