The Microsoft Research Awards for the Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF) support academic research in software engineering technologies, tools, practices, and teaching methods.
In 2014, MSR received more than 100 proposals for research grants in foundational software engineering, application of software engineering to Internet of Things, and infrastructure for cloud-scale software. After a thorough review process within Microsoft Research, 12 projects were selected for support. Among the 12:
UW CSE postdoc alum Yuriy Brun, now a faculty member at UMass Amherst, was supported for the project “Augmenting Testing with Performance-Aware Behavioral Models.”
UW CSE Ph.D. alum Thu Nguyen, now a faculty member at Rutgers University, was supported for the project “CoolProvision: Provisioning of Cooling Systems for Datacenters.”
Congratulations Yuriy and Thu!
Read more here.