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31 million thanks to the Washington Research Foundation


UW President Michael Young, WRF President and CEO Ron Howell, and WRF Board Chair Kent Carlson

UW formally thanked the Washington Research Foundation yesterday, at a reception at the President’s home, for their extraordinary and transformational $31 million commitment to four leading-edge research initiatives at the University of Washington.

Computer Science & Engineering is integrally involved in two::

  • A $9.3 million award to the University of Washington eScience Institute, committed to UW’s leadership in data science – both in advancing the methodologies, and in putting these advances to work in a broad range of fields. CSE’s Magda Balazinska, Carlos Guestrin, Jeff Heer, Bill Howe, and Ed Lazowska are among the PIs, as well as CSE adjunct faculty members Cecilia Aragon, Emily Fox, and Bill Noble.
WRF group

Leadership of WRF, UW, and the four WRF Innovation Initiatives

Other WRF awards went to the Institute for Protein Design, led by CSE adjunct professor David Baker, and the Clean Energy Institute, led by Chemical Engineering’s Dan Schwartz.

Thank you WRF!