The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation joined last year with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in a process that ultimately selected the University of Washington, UC Berkeley, and New York University as partners in a 5-year, $38.7 million collaborative effort to advance data-intensive discovery.
The Moore Foundation has just announced the results of a subsequent competition to identify leading individual researchers as “Data-Driven Discovery Investigators,” funded at $1.5 million each. From an original field of more than 1,000 pre-proposals, roughly 100 researchers were invited to submit full proposals. 28 of these were invited to participate in a workshop, after which 14 were selected as recipients of $1.5 million Moore Foundation Data-Driven Discovery Investigator Awards – including UW CSE professor Jeff Heer.
Jeff is a data visualization expert – his research group investigates the perceptual, cognitive, and social factors involved in making sense of large data collections, and develops novel interactive systems for visual analysis and communication.
Congratulations to Jeff, and also to UW CSE Ph.D. alum and Stanford (boo!) faculty member Chris Re, also selected as a Moore Foundation DDDI award recipient.
Learn more about Jeff and his research here. Read the Moore Foundation announcement here. Profiles of all 14 DDDI award recipients are here. Read the UW press release here.