“Sound Startups” – A phenomenal KIRO 7 30-minute profile of the Puget Sound region’s startup ecosystem:
- Bill Mitchell / PicoBrew
- Dan Shapiro / Robot Turtles
- Shwetak Patel (CSE faculty) / SNUPI Technologies + Wally
- A stroll through Fremont
- Elissa Fink / Tableau
- Mike Young (UW President) / UW’s Startup Hall
- Amy Ko and Jake Wobbrock (CSE adjunct faculty, iSchool faculty) / AnswerDash
- Jeremy Jaech (CSE alum, UW Regent) / serial entrepreneurship (and some wonderful comments on the role of UW and UW CSE)
- Rich Barton / serial entrepreneurship, plus Zillow
- Julie Sandler / Madrona Venture Group (funder of more than a dozen CSE startups)
- Ed Lazowska (CSE faculty) / periodic commentary
Must watch – here!
[Update: GeekWire writes “There’s a lot of cool stuff percolating in Seattle’s startup scene, stories that we cover each day here at GeekWire. But every so often it’s cool to step outside and see how the traditional media perceives this growing part of the economy … University of Washington computer science professor Ed Lazowska appears in the video, noting that there are more software engineers in Seattle than Silicon Valley. He also notes the collaborative nature of the community in the Pacific Northwest tech industry, which has spawned companies such as fast-growing Tableau. The report also features the UW’s effort to spark more innovation in the University District via ‘Startup Hall'” – here.]