WHAT: Participate in hands-on activities and visit research labs to find out what computing is all about! Students and faculty from UW’s computing majors will introduce you to the broad range of problems computing can address. Representatives from local technology companies will show cool demos and tell you why they love their jobs.
WHO: Middle and high school students and their families.
WHEN: 1pm – 5pm on Saturday, December 6th, 2014.
WHERE: UW’s Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering (free parking after noon on Saturdays!).
WHY: Celebrate Grace Hopper‘s birthday and the start of Computer Science Education Week.
RSVP so that we get enough giveaways!
See last year’s pictures and program.
More info here! See you on December 6!
And learn more about DawgBytes (“A taste of CSE”), UW CSE’s extensive K-12 outreach program, here!