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UW CSE’s Nanocrafter wins at Serious Games Showcase and Challenge

Nanocrafter's Award for Use of Social Media at SGSC 2014Congratulations to the Nanocrafter team at UW CSE’s Center for Game Science, who picked up the award for “Best Serious Game, Special Emphasis Category, Use of Social Media” at the Serious Games Showcase and Challenge. The event, taking place today in Orlando, Florida, celebrates excellence in the field of serious games development.

Players of Nanocrafter build nanoscale devices using pieces of DNA. The game, in addition to being fun and educational, is helping to advance scientific discovery in the field of synthetic biology by leveraging the power of crowdsourcing.

Check out their shiny plaque! And if you haven’t joined the Nanocrafter community, you can learn more and test your skills here.

Way to go, team!