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UW CSE introductory course enrollment continues to explode

14xCSE 142, our first introductory course, had 995 students during Autumn Quarter, and has 1,011 students this quarter. In the past year, 2,892 students have taken the course – 35% of them women.

CSE 143, our second introductory course, has 807 students this quarter; in the past year, 1,802 students have taken the course.

That’s a total of 4,694 student enrollments in these courses in the past year!

(During fall quarter, CSE’s remarkable Stuart Reges taught both 142 and 143; he and his amazing team of 63 undergraduate teaching assistants – more than 40% of whom were women – generated roughly 2% of UW total student credit hours that quarter!)

Want to see what’s going on nationally, and understand why? Check out this data-filled presentation.