ACM’s most prestigious member grade recognizes the top 1% of ACM members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology. ACM has just recognized 47 of its members as new ACM Fellows for their contributions to computing that are driving innovations across multiple domains and disciplines.
Among the new class of ACM Fellows:
- UW CSE professor Michael Ernst “For contributions to software analysis, testing, and verification”
- UW CSE Ph.D. alum (and Princeton professor) Adam Finkelstein “For contributions to non-photorealistic rendering, multi-resolution representations, and computer graphics”
- UW CSE affiliate professor (and Distinguished Scientist & Managing Director of Microsoft Research) Eric Horvitz “For contributions to artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction”
Ernst’s research aims to make software more reliable, more secure, and easier (and more fun!) to produce. His primary technical interests are in software engineering, programming languages, type theory, security, program analysis, bug prediction, testing, and verification. Ernst’s research combines strong theoretical foundations with realistic experimentation, with an eye to changing the way that software developers work. Ernst’s other awards include the inaugural John Backus Award (2009) and the NSF CAREER Award (2002). His research has received an ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award (2013), 8 ACM Distinguished Paper Awards (FSE 2014, ISSTA 2014, ESEC/FSE 2011, ISSTA 2009, ESEC/FSE 2007, ICSE 2007, ICSE 2004, ESEC/FSE 2003), an ECOOP 2011 Best Paper Award, honorable mention in the 2000 ACM doctoral dissertation competition, and other honors. In 2013, Microsoft Academic Search ranked Ernst #2 in the world, in software engineering research contributions over the past 10 years.
Congratulations to Mike, Adam, and Eric. (Mike is the 10th current UW CSE faculty member, and 19th overall, to be named an ACM Fellow.)